Cellulite treatment

We tighten your skin!

Don’t we all dream of that perfect “bikini body” in summer?  While exercise and a healthy diet can get you a long way towards that goal, in many cases they are powerless against cellulite.

These unsightly dimples on the skin, especially on the thighs and bottom, often occur even in people who are physically fit with a healthy body weight.

Minimally invasive treatment with Cellfina® can effectively reduce cellulite and improve the appearance of the affected areas of the body.


How does Cellfina® work?

Cellfina® is a relatively new treatment method that has been specially developed to reduce cellulite, which is when the skin takes on a dimpled appearance, like orange peel. The treatment targets the structural causes of cellulite in the deeper layers of the skin. Unlike other skin treatments such as creams, peels or major surgical procedures, the Cellfina® device uses a small scalpel to loosen the connective tissue strands that cause the dimpling effect. The Cellfina® treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that usually takes no longer than 60–120 minutes.

The treatment begins with the marking of the body parts and skin areas to be treated under very good lighting conditions. Next, a light local anesthetic is used to numb the skin region to be treated, ensuring that the procedure is painless. Finally, the Cellfina® device is used to sever or loosen the taut connective tissue strands (septa) that connect the top of the skin with the underlying layers. These strands are what pulls the skin downwards, causing the dimpled appearance of cellulite. The procedure can smooth out the skin and reduce dimples in a lasting way. This is an outpatient, non-surgical cellulite treatment at my practice in Rapperswil-Jona on Lake Zurich.

It is the only treatment that tackles the root cause of cellulite.

Skin tightening

Which areas of the body can be treated with Cellfina®?

Cellfina® can be used to treat cellulite in all affected skin areas. More than 80 percent of adult women have moderate to severe cellulite.

Cellulite most commonly occurs on the buttocks and thighs, but it can also affect the lower back, hips, upper arms and abdomen. Many women find that the appearance of their skin changes after pregnancy. Although these changes do not affect their health in any way, many women find them unsightly and upsetting.

Cellfina® can also help to tighten and smooth the skin in such cases. It can even out dimples and improve the overall appearance of many areas of the body.

  • Buttocks / bottom
  • Inner thigh
  • Outer thigh
  • Upper arms
  • Lower back
  • Belly
  • Hips


How satisfied are our patients with the results?

Skin tightening with Cellfina® is particularly popular with my patients because it is quick, painless, minimally invasive and it’s an outpatient procedure. There is no downtime and the treatment has long-lasting results. I have been carrying out the treatment regularly in my practice for several years. My patients particularly appreciate the fact that a single treatment is usually enough to significantly improve the skin appearance issues that they have been putting up with for years or even decades.

Dr Susanne Kristof
SK-AESTHETICS, Rapperswil-Jona


How long has Cellfina® been around?

Cellfina® is manufactured by Merz Pharmaceuticals, a large global pharmaceutical company specialising in the development and manufacture of medical, aesthetic and neurotoxicology products.

In 2015, Cellfina® was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in the USA for the long-term improvement of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. Since its approval, Cellfina® has become established as one of the leading treatment methods for cellulite.

The technology behind Cellfina® is based on the principle of subcision: cutting the connective tissue strands that cause dimples to form in the skin. This creates a smoother appearance.


What are the advantages of treatment with Cellfina® compared to other methods, such as surgical procedures to tighten the skin on the body?

Cellfina® is the best treatment available for cellulite and for achieving smooth skin, especially on the thighs and buttocks. The treatment tightens the skin and reduces cellulite dimples, increasing the patient’s confidence in the beauty of their skin and helping them feel good.

  • Outpatient procedure

    Treating one body area takes 60–120 minutes. The recovery time is usually very short and patients can return to their normal activities the very next day.

  • Lasting effects

    The effects of Cellfina® treatment last for several years. Studies have shown that the results can continue to improve for the first three years after treatment. Supported by regular exercise, muscle building and a healthy diet, the effects are lasting and very visible.

  • Painless

    Local anesthesia is used at the site where the skin tightening procedure is to be performed before the treatment. This ensures that the treatment is pain-free.

  • Minimally invasive

    Because the device uses a very small scalpel, the only visible marks are small puncture marks that fade a short time after treatment. There are no scars.

  • Smooth skin

    The effect of cellulite therapy with Cellfina® is smoother skin and a reduction in the typical cellulite dimples.

  • Satisfaction

    International studies have shown that patients are typically very satisfied with the treatment.


What are the risks or side effects?

After treatment, a few patients may experience bruising, slight redness or minor swelling, but this will disappear after a few days.

If you follow the aftercare instructions and hygiene recommendations after using Cellfina®, such as cooling and protecting the affected areas of the body, there is no need to worry about infections or other side effects. If you suspect that you may be allergic to any of the medication or materials, or if you have any other sensitivities, you should discuss this with the medical staff looking after you in advance.

Because human skin is an extremely elastic and adaptable organ, we also advise patients to check their expectations against individual examples of what can realistically be achieved in advance. In any case, it is important to bear in mind that the results of the treatment will only be visible after weeks or months.

My advice

As a doctor, my recommendation for patients who want to improve their complexion, tighten their skin and get rid of cellulite is a combination of exercise, healthy eating and innovative technology-based methods such as Cellfina®. This gives them the best chance of achieving the long-lasting effects they want.

With Cellfina®, we are able to offer a proven skin tightening treatment that specifically addresses the connective tissue problem that causes dimpling of the skin in many women. In my experience, this cellulite treatment is the only effective one because it effectively treats the root causes of cellulite.

If you would like to find out more, I would be happy to arrange a personal consultation.

FAQs – Frequently asked questions

Cellulite can occur regardless of body weight, but bloated fat cells make it worse. Exercise can make a positive contribution to the skin’s appearance and promote firmer skin. However, there are also many cases of slim, athletic people who also have severe cellulite.

The two methods cannot be compared. Cellfina® treatments are used exclusively for skin tightening, not for weight reduction. In addition, liposuction is a complex surgical procedure, while cellulite treatment with Cellfina® is an outpatient procedure that is non-surgical, minimally invasive and without scarring.

Cellulite is a normal, natural part of the skin structure of many people, especially women. Nevertheless, it can be considered unsightly. It is influenced by a variety of factors. Cellulite can develop for genetic reasons, but also due to hormones, lifestyle and many other factors. Its appearance and its characteristics vary widely between individuals.

Cellulite can affect anyone, typically developing in adulthood and most commonly in women (more than 80 percent develop it). It is caused by changes in the underlying structure of the skin, specifically the alignment of the fibrous septae, and hormone levels.

Yes, skin that is dimpled like orange peel is cellulite.

Fascia consists of fibroblasts and structural proteins. Targeted training can mobilise the fasciae and push water out of the tissues. This connective tissue can also be stimulated through targeted fascia training. Training stimulates fibroblasts, which produce collagen. This means that in principle, regular fascia training could help with cellulite. However, Cellfina is certainly a much more efficient method of getting to the root cause of cellulite with a one-off treatment.

In principle, regular fascia training or a regular fascia massage can stimulate the fibroblasts in the fascia (connective tissues) to produce collagen fibres. As a result, the tissue becomes stronger and more robust, and skin structure improves.

Regular fascia massage over several months can therefore help to improve the appearance of cellulite.


Cellulite from CHF 2,000.00

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