Lift your face with HArmonyCA™
HArmonyCa™ is a hybrid injectable, i.e. a type of gel that builds up volume in the face and at the same time stimulates the body’s own collagen production. As a combination product, it combines the active ingredients hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite. HArmonyCa™ can improve the structure of the skin. The aim of treatment is to achieve an immediate and lasting lifting effect.
Every face changes over the course of time because the skin’s natural hyaluronic acid and collagen content decreases with age. Production of these substances slows down as we get older. The face loses volume, the skin’s elasticity decreases and wrinkles appear. If you want to improve your appearance in the long term, biostimulation in combination with a volume enhancement treatment such as HArmonyCa™ is a good option. It has immediate anti-ageing effects.